Reducing Dependence on Glasses

Laser Vision Correction

There are many different terms for laser vision correction (LVC). Some you may have heard include LASIK, LASEK, PRK, advanced surface ablation (ASA) and SBK, among others. They are all slight variations of the same general procedure, and involve the correction of a refractive error by applying a laser to the cornea to reshape it, thereby altering the way in which it bends light. LVC can be used to correct astigmatism, myopia and hyperopia. If you are under- or over-corrected after your cataract surgery, and would like to improve your uncorrected vision, you can consider LVC. However, not all patients are candidates for LVC, so you must be comprehensively evaluated for this particular procedure. This is considered an elective procedure, and it is not covered by your insurance company.

Limbal Relaxing Incisions

Limbal relaxing incisions are typically performed at the time of cataract surgery to reduce corneal astigmatism. This procedure can, however, be performed after cataract surgery has been completed. It involves the creation of one or two partial-thickness incisions in the peripheral cornea to cause tissue relaxation. These incisions are separate from the incision created to remove the cataract. This is good for correcting low levels of astigmatism to help improve uncorrected vision after cataract removal. Although it is not quite as precise as LVC, it is generally effective in astigmatism reduction. It cannot be used to correct myopia or hyperopia. This procedure is also not covered by most insurance companies, but tends to be more affordable than LVC.

Piggyback IOLs

Sometimes, surgeons will choose to place a second IOL in front of the capsular bag to help improve uncorrected visual acuity. This procedure can be used to correct residual myopia or hyperopia, but at the time of this publication, the IOLs that correct astigmatism cannot be placed in this location.

IOL Exchange

If you are unhappy with your lens selection, or there is an unexpected high level of refractive error after cataract removal that prevents you from using your eyes together comfortably, your IOL can be exchanged for one that will better correct your vision.

© Vision Information Services, LLC, Mooresville, NC 2012