Non-Surgical Treatment for Cataracts

Updated Glasses Prescription

As your cataract initially progresses, it will cause the refractive power of your crystalline lens to change, which, in turn, means your glasses prescription will change. In the early stages of cataract development, updating your glasses prescription, or getting glasses if you have not worn them previously, may improve your vision to a satisfactory level. Some patients will notice their near vision actually improves. This results from the tendency of cataracts to cause increased nearsightedness. In other words, your near vision may get better, but your distance vision will get worse. In the early stages of cataract development, updating your glasses may be all you need to achieve good vision.

Increase Reading Prescription (Magnification)

Increasing the reading prescription of your glasses, referred to as the “add,” produces increased magnification. This may improve your ability to see small objects up close in the early stages of cataract development.

Modification of Surrounding Light Sources

The scattering of light that occurs with a cataract can make us particularly sensitive to certain types of lighting conditions. The effect of this will be a bit different for everyone. Generally speaking, natural light is best, but try not to face the sun, because you may experience glare if you do this. You may want to experiment with the position of your lights, books, computer screen, etc. in order to determine the position that works best for you. Small changes in position and lighting can result in significant improvements in your ability to see.


Unfortunately, there are currently no medications that can treat cataracts once they start to develop. Although there is ongoing research in this area, for the foreseeable future, the only treatment to reverse the effects of cataracts is surgical.

© Vision Information Services, LLC, Mooresville, NC 2012